Census information

Find statistical information about the Surrey Heath borough including Census results.

You can find out statistical information about the Surrey Heath borough and the people who live here at the links below.


A Census has been carried out every 10 years since 1801.  The census gives a picture of all the people and households in England and Wales.  The last Census took place in 2021.

Census 2021

Census day took place on 21 March 2021.

The census asks questions about you, your household and your home. In doing so, it helps to build a detailed snapshot of our society. This report covers Surrey Heath and includes comparisons to the 2011 Census, including Surrey’s ten other local authorities and the South East

View the Surrey Heath Census 2021 Results below:

You can find more information on the 2021 Census on the ONS website (external link).

Census 2011

Find out more information on the 2011 Census on the Surrey-i website (external link)